
Teresa Gomes
2 de jun. de 2021
Vinho Verde: A Different Kind of Portuguese Green
June 7th is Monção Melgaço Sub-region Day so in honor of this celebration let's head into Northern Portugal right into the heart of the...
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Teresa Gomes
19 de mai. de 2021
10 Tips for choosing wine at a restaurant
When it comes to ordering wine, there are a lot of options. You could order the cheapest bottle on the menu or you could order an...
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Teresa Gomes
19 de mai. de 2021
10 Recomendações em como escolher vinho no restaurante
Na hora de pedir o vinho, as opções são muitas. Podes pedir a garrafa mais barata ou uma cara (especialmente se o momento for especial). ...
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Teresa Gomes
5 de mai. de 2021
O formato do copo para vinho faz mesmo a diferença?
Se te questionas sobre se é realmente importante o formato do copo em que bebes o vinho, a resposta é sim! O copo que escolhes pode ter...
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Teresa Gomes
5 de mai. de 2021
Does the Type of Wine Glass Matter? The Definitive Answer!
If you're wondering whether it really matters what type of wine glass you drink your wines from, the answer is yes. The shape of the wine...
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Teresa Gomes
21 de abr. de 2021
Asparagus - Friend or enemy of wine?
Wine and asparagus have long had a love/hate relationship. On the one hand, they're both great sources of nutrients and on the other,...
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